fotografie studies
Resultaat 1–24 van de 50 resultaten wordt getoond
Scraps of Inspiration: Photographs and Graphics in a Designer’s Album, 1870-1905.
€15,00 -
Rudy Kousbroek – Opgespoorde wonderen. De fotosyntheses verzameld.
€30,00 -
Going into Detail: Photography and its usr at the Drawing and Design Schools of Amsterdam 1880-1910.
€15,00 -
Diana & Nikon – Essays on the Aethetic of Photography.
€30,00 -
Robert Demachy – pictorialist.
€25,00 -
Images of Conviction – the Construction of Visual Evidence.
€35,00 -
The Afterlife of the Photographic Subject in the Photographs of Nan Goldin & Julia Margaret Cameron.
€20,00 -
The story of Kodak.
€20,00 -
Objects in Mirror – The Imagination of the American Landscape.
€25,00 -
Photography – A Cultural History. [Second edition]
€25,00 -
Het Nederlandse fotoboek. Een thematische selectie, na 1945.
€20,00 -
Theorie der Fotografie. Band I-IV 1839-1995 – Komplett in einem Band.
€30,00 -
Transforming Images – How Photography Complicates the Picture.
€20,00 -
On the Move – Verhalen in hedendaagse fotografie en grafische vormgeving / Storytelling in Contemporary Photography and Graphic Design.
€35,00 -
Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before.
€25,00 -
Crisis of the Real – Writings on Photography since 1974.
€15,00 -
Installation View – Photography Exhibitions In Australia (1848-2020) + Appendix [16] pp.
€25,00 -
The Still Point of the Turning World – Between Film and Photography.
€15,00 -
Bauhaus Fotografie.
€30,00 -
Die beginnende Photographie im Spiegel von Tageszeitungen und Tagebüchern – Ein Beitrag zum hundertjährigen Bestehen der Lichtbildnerei 1838-1939, nach hauptsächlich in der Schweiz durchgeführten Forschungen. – Zweite textlich und bildlich erweiterte Auflage.
€20,00 -
Das Fotogramm in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts – Die andere Seite der Bilder – Fotografie ohne Kamera.
€65,00 -
Photography in the Modern Era – European Documents and Critical Writings, 1913-1940.
€15,00 -
Photography in the Modern Advertisement.
€35,00 -
Subjektive Fotografie – Images 50s [catalogue] – [English].