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Histoire de la Vie. [including: Discours philosophique sur l’amour de Dieu]. – [Bound with]: Nouvelle histoire de messire François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon […]. – [Bound with]: Directions pour la conscience d’un roi […] Louis de France, duc de Bourgogne


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Artikelnummer: 6568 Categorie: Tag:


Three works in one 12mo volume. With together 2 engraved frontispiece portraits, 3 titles printed in red and black with engraved vignette. 204,28; 132; xvi,102,[2] pp. Later marbled boards, with red morocco title label. – Three works in one volume. Includes a.o. the first edition of the first biography of Fenelon (1651-1715), anonymously published by his friend Andrew Michael Ramsay”.- and on: – […] the ”Directions pour la conscience d’un roi” was a harsh indictment of the reign of the Sun King, Fénelon criticized Louis’s dynastic wars, the luxury of his court, and the role of favorites in royal government. So inflammatory did the French government consider its contents that the Cardinal Fleury intervened in 1734 to have the first edition suppressed before the book could come to market. Thus the 1747 editions, appearing in London and The Hague, were the first to reach the public.” [John Shovlin. The Political Economy of Virtue. Luxury, Patriotism, and the Origins of the French Revolution. page 27].


Jaar: 1723; 1747; 1747


Uitgeverij: Freres Vaillant et N. Prevost; Jean Neaulme; Jean Neaulme

Plaats: La Haye; La Haie; La Haie