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Anne Geene – No. 235 – Encyclopaedia of an allotment. [Second English edition]. – [New].


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24 x 17 cm. 192 pp. Softcover. Profusely illustrated, mainly in colours. – Originally published in Dutch as ‘Perceel nr. 235 / Encylopedie van een Volkstuin’ – ‘No. 235 / encyclopaedia of an allotment’ is inspired by science but has no scientific pretentions whatsoever. Although her observations are completely personal, they are selected and captured with the precision of a scientist and with a similar attention to detail. The book aims to be a complete visual representation of everything that grows, blossoms, swims, crawls and flies in the exact 245 square meters of allotment nr. 235 of garden complex ‘eigen hof” in Rotterdam. – New copy

Auteur: GEENE, Anne

Jaar: 2020


Uitgeverij: De HEF Publishers

Plaats: Rotterdam

ISBN: 9789069060477